The SIMGallery Video and Album Pop-up Windows are covered by Menu Bar. How can I lower the Video and Album Pop-up Windows? 04-05-2018
As you can see in the picture, the Menu Bar is covering the SimGallery Video Pop-up Window, and the Album Pop-up Window (basically, all of the SimGallery Pop-up Windows).
Is there a way that I can lower the SIMGallery Pop-up Windows, so they are not covered by the Menu Bar? Maybe move them down 100 pixels.
There are two options:
1) Lower the Pop-up window by 100 pixels so it's not covered by the Menu Bar.
2) Eliminate the Pop-up window, and have it show up in a normal window (giving Add Video and Add Album it's own Menu Item).
Can you tell me how to do that?
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