• Photo
    Hi guys. When Simgallery is emailing out notifications, the email subject line is coming up with a weird string.
    Hi guys,
    When SimGallery is emailing out notifications to users, the email subject line is coming up as "COM_SIMGALLERY_ACTOR_COMMENTED_ON_YOUR_SUBJECT_ALBUM". I've attached a screen grab so you can see what i mean.
    Can you please help?
    1 answers Technical Support 9 years 10 months ago
  • I'm getting errors after my simgallery installation that's preventing my site from loading
    Hi guys,
    I'm getting errors from simgallery after it was installed that are preventing my site from loading. I know it says to turn off error messages, but they are preventing the notification window from opening in jomsocial when they are turned off.
    Can you help?
    IveI've aattached a copy of the error message as a screen grab.

    ... show more
    2 answers Technical Support 9 years 10 months ago
  • I am getting an error when trying to view profiles which have a ProfileURL
    Hi guys,

    When a user attempts to browse to their own profile after setting their ProfileURL, it causes the browser to go into a redirect loop with the error code "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS".
    This does not happen to users who have not set a ProfileURL, but only those who have set a ProfileURL.
    If i disable the ProfileURL plugins, users who had set a ProfileURL... show more
    2 answers Technical Support 10 years ago
  • I have tried to download ProfileURL from the link posted in my subscription, but cannot.
    I have tried to download ProfileURL from the link posted in my subscription, but i keep getting SQL errors.
    Please assist
    1 answers Technical Support 10 years ago
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