Philippe Couturiaux Level 7
Amazon S3 data in SimGallery configurationHello,
About storing photos on Amazon S3.
Can you confirm that the exact data are:
Bucket: <myS3bucketname>
End Point: s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com (for London European Union West)
Thank you for your help.
Best regards. -
SQL error 1064After publishing a new album including a new photo, the user can view the photo in the joomsocial timeline but when he wants to view the album we get the error 1064 (see pdf for details).
Manage Reports : Call to undefined method SIMGalleryTablePhotos::mload()Photo reporting test.
A photo has been published by user 1 and marked by user 2
The "Manage Reports" feature gives an error: Call to undefined method SIMGalleryTablePhotos :: mload () ... (see pdf)
Can you solve this problem ? -
Blank page on backend after SG saving config parameters & many problems on wampserver localhost development site1) On production site AND development site backend
A blank page is displayed after "Save and Close" (but display ok after "Save" action)
2) On production site only
Everything seems correct (display albums, stream notifications on Jomsocial, ....)
3) On development site - copy of production site via akeeba backup - localhost - Wampserver
When connection with public profile : everything seems ok
When connection with... show more
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