Jim Level 5
Not integrating with Easysocial toolbar?thanks for trying, but I have removed ProfileURL and Simgallery from the website and have gone with workable products. I may try using them again on another project.
Not integrating with Easysocial toolbar?trying again
Not integrating with Easysocial toolbar?Hi Mike, for frontend hit community button for login screen. for back end I will attach the proper url (normal joomla url login doesn't work)
Not integrating with Easysocial toolbar?Looking for an update...Have you had a chance to assess the problem and create a solution? thanks
Not integrating with Easysocial toolbar?Try again? I was doing a server restart 10 minutes ago.
I am unable to install the pkg_simgallery. The error code I receive is in the attached screenshot. Any help in correcting is greatly appreciated.Mike, thanks for the quick reply. I downloaded a new package and everything installed great with now issues. thanks again.
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