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- Written by Mike Feng
Joomla 4 Beta is near to release! For the past weeks, we have been hard at work upgrading our products in preparation for this, and ParaInvite 7 is our first Joomla 4-only extension. ParaInvite has undergone complete code refactoring, including an all new design (check out the demo here ). Going forward, we will be converting all our products to support only Joomla 4, taking advantage of its incredibly better performance, and the far superior design flexibility offered by Bootstrap 4.
Things are getting exciting...stay tuned!
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- Written by Mike Feng

ProfileURL is a very popular extension that lets your users customize their own permalinks and vanity URLs to different parts of their content on your Joomla website. We are very excited to announce the release of a complete revamp!
ProfileURL 5 introduces a plugin system. Now you can easily integrate it with any third party extension. Your users can now create custom links to any of their own assets, vastly improving your website's SEO.
While you can easily create your own plugins, the new ProfileURL comes with a list of the most popular plugins for free!. If you wish to integrate it with another extension that is not listed, please contact us for a free quote!
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- Written by Mike Feng

ParaInvite 6.0
All new ParaInvite adds Twitter to the Quick Login feature, fully supports PHP 7, and is now ready for Joomla! 4.
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- Written by Mike Feng

Happy new year! We are happy to announce the long due major update to our beloved SIMContests.
SIMContests allows you to create highly configurable photo and video contests for your community. Your users can then submit and vote for entries, with the possibility of winning great prizes!
With its own points system and digital points store, you can also monetize your website as your users buy - and win - points to enter the contests.
What's new in SIMContests 2.0:
- Battle Mode!
The new Battle mode is similar to contests, with 2 major differences.
First, instead of having an open contest, admin will decide which specific users will be part of the battle.
Second, admin may allow users to start battles in the frontend by challenging other users. This is a much requested feature, and it's finally here!
- Backend Entry
Approval - Admin can now approve multiple entries at the same time in the backend.
- Revamped Backend
Management - Contensts/battles management and entries management have been changed to make it easier for admins to manage their content.
Want to know more? Check out the documentation, or hop right in on our live demo.
SIMBunch wishes everybody the best in 2018, especially with the arrival of Joomla 4. Need help upgrading your Joomla websites? Contact us for a free quote!
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- Written by Mike Feng
We sent out an email last month to all our SIMGenealogy users to update to the latest SIMGenealogy version 2.1.8 as there was a security vulnerability, and here's a post just in case:
This is a security release for the SIMGenealogy. This release fixes a critical level security issue.
You can update to the latest version either through the Joomla Update Manager in your website's backend, or download the latest package here.