cameom Level 7
Lost link to gedcom view after updateI did try that...the two family trees are shown in the admin section of the backend but when you go the the page its blank white canvas
Need some help with the dashboard layout...things are overlapping. see phtotoah, just downloaded latest version and was about to install...thanks again
Need some help with the dashboard layout...things are overlapping. see phtotothx it an update safe fix? if not, mind sharing what you did?
Need some help with the dashboard layout...things are overlapping. see phtototry this now...admin pass fixed and FTP credentials completed
When viewing a tree, the mouse wheel will only "zoom out" no matter which direction it is this something that can be adjusted or fixed by chance?
Need some help with the dashboard layout...things are overlapping. see phtotoare you able to access the site now?
When viewing a tree, the mouse wheel will only "zoom out" no matter which direction it is turned.yes and no, I just figured out that it depends largely on how fast you scroll the wheel and if the mouse cursor is over a node or in the white space surrounding it. You have to go pretty slow to keep it from jumping around in the erratically or in the wrong direction. Posted a video with... show more
Need some help with the dashboard layout...things are overlapping. see phtotooops sorry bout that...i am constantly battling with hackers/spammers. I whitelisted SG for now.
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