omni kneeland Level 7
Profile link in other components is showing up as only the domain name without vanity url or any other profile link.sorry, I've corrected it. Please try again.
Installation error - Incorrect table definitionstrange. well, it is triggered as a warning and not a fatal error. thanks
Installation error - Incorrect table definitionhi,
yeah bro, I have it installed already. Just trying to install latest version. That's when I got the error. -
Installation error - Incorrect table definitionremoved from firewall. please try again
Installation error - Incorrect table definitionThere is an ip blacklist I can check. Possible to get your ip address to do so?
Installation error - Incorrect table definitionHi Mike
Sorry, I"ve turned on cache. Please try again.
Missing icons and 404 for most servicesok, it's up for me right now so this looks like the issue. I've disabled firewall.
Missing icons and 404 for most servicesHi
Sorry for the late reply, the server is up each time I check. Will you please send me your IP address and I'll make sure it's not on the blacklist. -
Missing icons and 404 for most servicessorry, it's up now
Missing icons and 404 for most servicesThanks. I tried disabling the sh404sef plugins, uploaded fresh copy of htaccess, still no joy. Any other ideas?
Getting 404 on /username , trying to edit custom urlOh my goodness I'm so embarrassed.. Thank you so much, you've been incredible helpful and patient. Sir I say you are the best!!
Getting 404 on /username , trying to edit custom urlAh, now I see how to add a secret! Sorry for the confusion, new ticket created with full info provided. Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate your time and apologize for the inconvenience.
Getting 404 on /username , trying to edit custom urlSorry that was for ftp. I'm unable to find how to add hidden text here so I'll pm you the superuser account info. Thanks!
Getting 404 on /username , trying to edit custom urlHi,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I have updated to the latest ProfileURL, but now when ProfileURL system plugin is activated the site shows a blank page.
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