• How can I reuse a URL when the page was deleted? Is it possible?
    Hello Mike, could you please provide me instructions on how to delete the URL? Also, you mention that with my version, this is the only way to for group URLs. Are you saying that if I upgrade, I will be able to delete URLs from the backend instead of going into my database?
    8 answers Technical Support 7 years 8 months ago
  • How can I reuse a URL when the page was deleted? Is it possible?
    OK, thanks.
    8 answers Technical Support 7 years 8 months ago
  • How can I reuse a URL when the page was deleted? Is it possible?
    OK, I will check back with you down the line about updates.
    Last thing, is there any way to not have to go manually to the database to remove URLs? Can I get sh404sef to manage my URLs?
    8 answers Technical Support 7 years 8 months ago
  • How can I reuse a URL when the page was deleted? Is it possible?
    thank you for your reply. I see that I can access the group page without being logged in so I guess you fixed it. I will remember to keep the itemid public.
    Also, do I have to upgrade or can it stay the same. What's the danger in keeping my version?
    8 answers Technical Support 7 years 8 months ago
  • My custom URLs are not directing to the proper page. It's going to my 404 error page. Could you please help find out why?
    OK, thank you. Anything I should be aware of so it doesn't happen again?
    4 answers Technical Support 9 years 1 months ago
  • Hello, is it possible to create custom URLs for Event pages in JomSocial like you can do with groups? If it's not a feature right now, can it be done?
    Hi Mike, I am interested in having this feature. I will reply via the link you provided to see what the pricing information will be. Thanks.
    2 answers Technical Support 9 years 9 months ago
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