Confused Question: Does SIMGallery also control the way videos are uploaded on the JomSocial Frontpage? (with the SIMGallery JomSocial plugin)
I guess that I'm just confused. I know that SIMGallery takes over the Video and Picture Albums for JomSocial (with the SIMGallery JomSocial plugin installed).
However, is it supposed to take over the JomSocial FrontPage uploading of pictures and videos too? If I post a picture or video on my JomSocial FrontPage, it still uses the JomSocial categories for posting.
I circled the two button that I am talking about in the photo below. Are my settings wrong? Or is JomSocial supposed to to handle videos and photos?
(If you ask me, I would prefer SIMGallery to handle everything.)
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